
saturday, i'm gonna whistle . . .

this rainy weather makes me want to stay home and hunker down. . . and not emerge until saturday.
which is when c & p have their first dance recital.  I. DIE.  like i seriously might.  it's to the goodship lollipop and i truly can't handle it.  assuming we all survive the show, horsey and i have a fun date planned afterward - the edward sharpe & the magnetic zeros concert.

who doesn't love the song {and concept} 'home is wherever i'm with you'?
{they have other good ones, too.  obvs}

it's actually become a bit overdone but whatevs i still worship.  if it's not enough to have it stuck in your head from every other commercial, etc. - do an etsy search for posters so you can see it written on your wall.  here a couple of my faves.

this one is framed and hanging above our bed.

love this one, too.

this one is adorbs, too.

is it wrong that i secretly wish i was going to see jorge & alexa sing?
this is one of the only cures for the post-wedding/rainy day blues.  
 goosebumps . . .obvs.
"someday, i'm gonna whistle"
i. die.


akjennberry said...

I saw Edward Sharp with my bro last year- totes fun! So many cute hipsters in the band! Have a blast!!

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