frenchie friday: naughty george. . .obvs

via flickr

this image from flickr looks so much like my george.  miss him so.

grab a chair because i don't want you to be shocked and keel over when i tell you that george has been a bit naughty since i left him nearly a week ago.

here's a text from CBC from a couple of days ago.

and this came in from lucky dogsitter, amandy-pants, last night.  

don't worry that was only a million dollar box of fran's gray salt caramels.

even loo is being a tad naughty, perched up on my prized pillows {via julie from shelter}

good luck, amanda.  please give those naughties hugs from mommy!


Anonymous said...

dying laughing...the BEST part of this post is your screenshot...assuming that the "WTF" was your response. thx for the laugh this afternoon, I really needed it! xo

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