to be a better blogger!
i'm both shocked and embarrassed that i have not posted since november. i meeaaaan, that's a lil ridic. i have 101 excuses but i also resolve to stop making excuses . . . hmmm . . . so i guess i'll just start back up again and hope you'll forgive me? pretty please with veuve on top?
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via damsel in dior |
the good news is that i have lots of fun things to share. so much so that i don't even know where to begin {sigh}
how about the last 24 hours and then i'll work backwards?
first of all, santa brought me a new TV for my bedroom. i saw an oprah once {God i miss that woman} that said there should be a NO TV in the bedroom rule. another friend {let's call her 'heater'} casually mentioned she didn't have one because it would mean the demise of her marriage. so as CBC just hooked up 42 inches of marital doom, i realize that i'm okay with it. i hope we are strong enough to make it through this new addition in our lives, but if not, i'm keeping the tv {and george. obvs.} TV is pretty much the only thing i love more than . . . well, everything, including the horseface himself. {kidding. . . sort of}
okay, in another surprising turn of events, i attended my first patriots game yesterday! it was about 46 degrees below zero and glorious. i drank a thousand coors lights and officially feel foul as we enter 2013. i resolve to do something about that, too.
so very very much more to share but i think i need a nap. and the 42 inches of impending divorce is calling my name.
and then i need to rally for tonight. i'm a little behind the 8 ball and there is more food & booze on the horizon. obvs. just what lil hoot needs. i'm wearing this number. and my hair pretty much looks like the model's right now so we're all set there.
oh, and i simply canNOT go another second without publicly thanking ms. meredith nelson photography, white loft studio, and the mostest fabulous friend and graphic designer evah, miss lucinda of chocolate creative design. all these lovelies helped me create a pretty darn good Christmas card this year. some of you are aware that i am in an intense Christmas card competition . . . with myself. i usually win. ha! {btw, i'm so glad i'm still hilare after my hiatus}
okay, so i'll send pics of the actual factual card later but here are the images we used.
can you even stand it? this 'emergency' photo shoot with confetti was well worth the clean up. i love these images with all of my heart for so many reasons. not the least of which is that they will forever remind me of how lucky i am to have a friend like meredith, who despite me being a high-maint pain in the ass, miraculously still likes me. oh, meredith, these bring me such joy, sweet lady. you are amazing. xoxoxo
oh and whaaattttt?? hello, my fave pup pictures EVAH. when you see the rest of this gloriousness from miss heidi of white loft studio you just might die. i want you all to make it to 2013 so i'll hold the rest back until then. because i mean it, you'll DIE. i have heart palpitations every time i look at them.
i am so darn lucky to have these talented ladies in my life. they inspire me so and make my heart happy {so corny. . . so true}
miss lu also helped me with my fave christmas gift i've ever given. ahhhhh, cannot wait to share with you! i think tomorrow is the day as i can't think of a better way to kick off the new year of blogging.
happy happy happy new year to you all. so sorry again for falling off the grid.
i have missed you so and you'll be sick of me in no time.
and i leave you with this, because as previously mentioned, i heart oprah.
LOVE ya Mrs. C!!! So happy that I got to bring out the crayons again with you this year!! Was definitely super duper easy with those AMAZING images by Meredith & Heidi!!
I love this post :) And thanks for trusting me with your "emergency shoot". I so loved working with all of your FABULOUS ladies... Now I am off to have a chat with Millahs!!!! Have fun tonight!!
Oh my!! Just found your blog by freakishly searching from your pink chair frenchie pic on pinterest. I'm dying. As an owner of the most adorbs frenchie ever, I get your crazy love for george and looloo:) LOVE your Christmas cards too!!
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