
long overdue . . .

pretty please come visit me at my new home. . . valentine.

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baby royale continued: Lady Di and sons

i'm 99.99 percent sure that i'll never have a son.  besides george.  obvs.  {i'm no therapist but that may explain why i'm such a creepy dog lady about him}
  don't get me wrong, i worship having daughters and i truly believe there is no greater gift then healthy kiddos, no matter what the gender.
but the mother - son bond is something very special and i've witnessed it firsthand via my mom and brother, my husband and his mother, and other friends and fam . . .

and now i find myself being a nutcase over these images of the late princess diana and her sons. 

just beautiful.


diana nailed it.  {so did mimi}


welcome, little prince.

and just like that - a future king is born.

congratulations to the royal family, especially princess cake and her beloved prince horseface.  you guys rule. . . literally. {well, sort of literally}

and here are my gift choices that i believe to be

1. blankie 2. spoon 3. book 4. onesie 5. burberry set 6. rocking chair 
7. swaddle 8. babar 9. hat & booties 10. loafers
11.  that's right - i'm shipping him george! {he's been of the utmost naughtiness today}

baby royale

so you may have heard me profess my complete adoration for the stunning princess cake in the past {ahem, here and here
and unless you live under a rock, you know sweet kate is in labor as i type - sending good vibes her way! 
 i haven't posted about this joyous news since the rumors hit the stands close to 9 months ago. . . but now i'm going to give you a full royal baby week of posts.  starting with some of my fave images of the bump.


{that's fully my husband - minus the title, accent, charm, fame or fortune.  womp}

she is just so flipping adorbs and full of grace, it takes my breath away.  
while i'm beyond excited to find out if she births a baby horseface prince or a lil cupcake princess, i'm most of all wishing them quiet moments of peace and joy with their new family, while the whole world is watching.   and of course we know a perfect princess grandmum is smiling down upon them today. {sniff, sniff} 

stay tuned for the golden easel!


frenchie friday: where i want to be

i want to be in a pool . . . of ice . . . while someone throws more ice on top of me.

anyone have a source for this guy?

have a wonderful weekend.  stay cool and keep those water bowls full!


wonder when i'll get the invite

i'm obvs buying a home in nantucket vs. the hamptons when i grow up.  but if c. wonder founder wants to invite me out to his southhampton retreat, designed by christopher maya, for the weekend, i'm not going to turn him down.  {i hope tory doesn't hold it against me - doh!}

worship the master bedroom.

unfortch due to conde naste policy, i can only show you three images of christopher's redonk digs so
click here for the full architectural digest article.

and would it be weird if i brought my gracious host a gift from c. wonder?  because they make some of my faves.
